We offer internationally acclaimed, tried and tested curriculums as well as select local curriculums with a blend. All our students undertaking the various curriculums also automatically enrol in the Lyceum EDU+ program to ensure that we have a perfect, holistic blend that ensure the all round development of our students. Our holistic approach ensures the growth and development of all the different forms of human intelligence i.e Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Social Quotient, (SQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Adversity Quotient (AQ). This approach ensures that our students are not only schooled as per the curriculum requirement, but they are also equipped with life skills and practical experiences that prepares them for the world.
We offer flexible home schooling, tutoring modes and assessment to accomodate individual student and family needs.
Our global student community is a boiling pot of; cultural, multi-lingual, multi-racial and multi-national aspiring global citizens, who are passionate about the world around them. They are self aware, self driven and inspired to achieve excellence in their pursuit of education and careers while impacting the world positively. At Lyceum, every student appreciates their solemn duty to leave a positive mark on the world, understanding that to change the world, we start inwards and reach out one man at a time.
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